北京多美马术文化有限公司成立于2010年,成立伊始公司与“德国马术之父” 鲁德格·比尔鲍姆先生一起于2011年在鸟巢成功举办了“中国第一场”国际马术比赛;2012年亚琛世界马术大会主办方a.r.t.公司与多美马术强强联合, 开始了“北京国际马术大师赛”的国际化步伐,瑞士钟表品牌“浪琴”成功冠 名赛事并担任官方计时,“浪琴表北京国际马术大师赛”将在鸟巢内至少举办 至2020年。 目前,多美马术已经在马术产业链各方面对国内外优势资源进行整合,核心业 务板块包括赛事运营和开发、浪琴表世界马术学院、俱乐部运营管理-多美国 际马术中心(中国北京、德国雷森贝克、美国圣地亚哥)、cheval多美马术 用品,致力推动中国马术运动更好地与世界接轨,为中国培养最优秀的国际马 术运动员和马业运动管理人才。
dashing equestrian
dashing equestrian was founded in 2010. at the beginning of its establishment, it held the first international equestrian event in china successfully, beijing equestrian masters, at the bird’s nest with mr. ludger beerbaum, who’s known as “the father of equestrian in germany”.
in 2012 “a.r.t.”, organizer of chio aachen, cooperated with dashing and starting the internationalization of the competition, in which the great swiss brand watch company longines successfully titled the event and served as the official timekeeper. the longines equestrian beijing masters is currently scheduled to run at the bird’s nest till 2020 at least.
presently, dashing equestrian has expanded to other markets in the industry both domestically and internationally to include many aspects in the equestrian sport. its core business includes the running and developing of the sports events, the representatives of the riders, the media, the operating and managing of equestrian clubs as well as the importing and merchandising of the equestrian industry as cheval saddlery.
dashing believes in this multi-equestrian business chain will allow them to push the chinese equestrian sport to a higher international level and cultivate the best chinese riders as well as continue to successfully manage the equestrian events.
dashing equestrian
dashing equestrian was founded in 2010. at the beginning of its establishment, it held the first international equestrian event in china successfully, beijing equestrian masters, at the bird’s nest with mr. ludger beerbaum, who’s known as “the father of equestrian in germany”.
in 2012 “a.r.t.”, organizer of chio aachen, cooperated with dashing and starting the internationalization of the competition, in which the great swiss brand watch company longines successfully titled the event and served as the official timekeeper. the longines equestrian beijing masters is currently scheduled to run at the bird’s nest till 2020 at least.
presently, dashing equestrian has expanded to other markets in the industry both domestically and internationally to include many aspects in the equestrian sport. its core business includes the running and developing of the sports events, the representatives of the riders, the media, the operating and managing of equestrian clubs as well as the importing and merchandising of the equestrian industry as cheval saddlery.
dashing believes in this multi-equestrian business chain will allow them to push the chinese equestrian sport to a higher international level and cultivate the best chinese riders as well as continue to successfully manage the equestrian events.
