1. 创意策划岗,熟悉线上线下各类营销创意手法,以具有深度的市场调研及消费者洞察策略,进行有逻辑、有特色的创意解决方案规划或整合营销传播方案输出。
2. 根据公司业务发展要求,与团队中商业分析及行业研究同学进行紧密合作,进行指定行业、市场及消费者洞察等调研工作,并基于调研目的和阶段性需求,制作成所需形式文档或文件进行报告分析。
3. 对细分行业的创意内容、内容传播及商业化有持续关注及洞察,进行月度或季度行业案例梳理及市场研究,并形成案例报告。
Main Responsibilities:
1. Creative planning position, Familiarity with online and offline marketing gives creative skills, carry out logical and distinctive creative planning or integrated marketing communication solution with in-depth market research and consumer insight strategy.
2. According to the company's business development requirements, closely cooperate with the business analyst and industry researcher to conduct research on a specified industry or market with consumer insights and prepare required documents or report.
3. Have continuous attention and insight on creative content, content dissemination and commercialization of subdivided industries, conduct monthly or quarterly industry case review and market research, and form case reports.
1. 逻辑思维能力强、洞察力强,具有开放思维及好奇心,对新鲜事物有高度敏感度,具有跨学科学习能力,并愿意保持持续学习状态。
2. 至少5年及以上广告营销、内容创意等策划类工作经验,具有较为成熟的独立调研及创意策划能力,知名甲方或广告营销等机构从业经验优先。
3. 本科以上学历,专业为文学、新闻学、广告学、市场营销、广告、设计等专业优先,硕士或有留学背景择优考虑。
4. 熟练使用office软件,需非常擅长制作keynote及ppt,具有设计软件使用能力者优先。
5. 具有商业思维及数据分析理解能力者优先。
6. 具有良好的审美能力和表达能力者优先。
7. 可以进行英文阅读及书写,具有双语工作能力优先。
Job Requirements:
1. Strong logical thinking and insight abilities with open-minded thinking and curiosity, highly sensitive to new things, interdisciplinary learning ability, and willing to keep learning.
2. At least 5 years or above advertising, IMC or content planning work experience, with mature independent research and creative planning ability, well-known organizations or firms working experience is preferred.
3. Bachelor degree or above, major in literature, journalism, advertising, marketing, design, etc., master's degree or overseas study background is preferred.
4. Proficient in office software, need to be very good at making keynote and ppt, with the ability to use design software is preferred.
5. Business thinking and data analysis skills are preferred.
6. Good aesthetic ability and expression skills are preferred.
7. Can read and write in English, bilingual working ability is preferred.


北京市顺义区顺兴路3号 笔克创意中心
ai产品专家 25000-50000元海淀区 应届毕业生 本科北京小桔科技有限公司
安全立法与规则专家 20000-30000元海淀区 应届毕业生 本科北京小桔科技有限公司
高级算法专家 55000-70000元海淀区 应届毕业生 本科北京小桔科技有限公司
百度ai技术战略分析师 25000-35000元海淀区 应届毕业生 硕士百度在线网络技术(北京)有限公司
meg预算组-预算bp 21000-30000元海淀区 应届毕业生 本科百度在线网络技术(北京)有限公司
高级产品经理(平台方向) j78826 20000-40000元海淀区 应届毕业生 本科百度在线网络技术(北京)有限公司