To work with science teachers to undertake learning programmes and assist the teacher in the management of students and the classroom.
To work under the direction of the teacher, Head of Department, Head of School, and ultimately the school Principal. Work may be carried out in the classroom or outside the main teaching area, with the whole class, a small group, or an individual student.
Lab Technician will be expected to have some expertise in biological and chemical sciences and will be expected to make use of their specific skills and talents.
· Preparation of chemicals and other solutions and apparatus for science classes as requested by science teachers
· Preparation of science equipment orders in conjunction with science teachers
· Maintenance of all science apparatus
· Maintenance of safety equipment
· Assisting science teachers during experiments by pupils in the science classrooms
· Stock control of chemicals and other consumable equipment in the science department
· Looking after science department livestock
· Preparation and maintenance of supply of worksheets and other science teaching materials in conjunction with science teachers
Normal School Bus/ CCA Bus Duty if request

教务专员 5000-10000元海淀区 应届毕业生 不限优路教育
高级前端开发工程师(出差) 8000-12000元海淀区 应届毕业生 本科青花瓷软件(北京)有限公司
React开发工程师 12000-18000元海淀区 应届毕业生 本科广东东田教育集团有限公司
机器学习资深工程师 30000-50000元海淀区 应届毕业生 本科贝壳找房(北京)科技有限公司
面试定薪 10-18k 潜力大 稳定 C QT工程师 10000-18000元海淀区 应届毕业生 本科上海优泉人力资源有限公司
hris analyst 25000-35000元海淀区 应届毕业生 本科联想(北京)有限公司(联想集团)