发布:2023-06-14 08:33:27 关注:16834次
高端人才引进→详情点击《高端人才引进 》 高校人才引进→详情点击《高校招聘 》
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招聘职务助理教授 |
招聘级别中级 |
所需专业经济、金融学 |
类型要求暂无 |
学位要求博士 |
工作地点北京 |
1. 坚持正确政治方向,拥护中国共产党领导,贯彻党的路线方针政策,践行社会主义核心价值观。积极完成学院和学校规定的各类教学、科研、公共服务等工作; 2. 热爱教育事业,具备教书育人的素质和热情,愿意全身心投入教书育人工作; 3. 具有从事经济、金融相关领域学术和政策研究的极大潜力,如在基础理论或前沿研究等方面提出新观点、新思路、新方法,获得早期学术成果或奖励。 1. Applicants should maintain the correct political orientation, uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China, implement the Party’s line, principles, and policies, and practice the core socialist values. 2. Applicants must have a passion for education, possess the required teaching skills, and be fully committed to teaching and education. 3. Applicants must have great potential for academic and policy research in economic and finance field. Preference is given to applicants who have proposed a new point, idea, or method for basic theories or frontier researches and hence earned early academic results or rewards.
1. 具有经济、金融相关专业国内外院校的博士学位; 2. 能开展本学科基础或专业课程教学工作; 3. 研究方向符合本学科的发展规划目标,学术发展创新潜力突出。 Applicants for Assistant Professor level appointment should have completed a Ph.D., have a strong evidence of high research potential to produce high quality research on both international and Chinese market, and demonstrate promise of becoming an outstanding scholar in teaching and research.
1. 详细个人简历; 2. 个人代表作; 1. Personal Resume; 2. Representative papers;