发布:2023-07-22 07:44:38 关注:12368次
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招聘职务助理教授 |
招聘级别中级 |
所需专业视觉传达设计 Visual Communication |
类型要求青年人才 |
学位要求博士 |
工作地点美术学院 |
1.在视觉媒介发展前沿领域专业教学与学科建设中发挥骨干作用,承担相应纵向和横向科研课题,形成并发表高质量学术成果; 2.圆满完成岗位聘任所要求的教学任务,积极承担院系根据教学方案所要求开设的课程; 3.能够承担学生实践训练指导、高水平学术竞赛指导、综合论文训练、班主任工作、以及其他岗位考核所需的公共服务工作量,并积极参与并完成院系交与的工作任务。 1. Play a pivotal role in professional teaching and discipline development in the forefront of visual media advancements. Undertake relevant longitudinal and horizontal research projects, generate and publish high-quality academic outcomes. 2. Successfully fulfill the teaching obligations required for the position appointment, actively engage in offering courses as required by the department's teaching plan. 3. Provide guidance for student practical training, high-level academic competitions, comprehensive paper preparation, class advisory responsibilities, as well as other public service activities required for position evaluation. Actively participate in and complete tasks assigned by the department.
1.在视觉传达设计领域有较好的学术成果积累; 2.原则上应具有相关专业的博士学位; 3.有能力承担和主持视觉传达设计领域纵向横向课题等学术研究创作及教学工作; 4.有能力开设和讲授至少2门本科专业核心课程和1门研究生专业课程。 1. Candidate will have already produced appreciable research results in the field of visual communication. 2. by principle,Candidate will hold a PhD of related professional. 3. Candidate will be capable of organizing and hosting teaching and scholarly research in visual communication and design practice. 4. Candidate will be capable of establishing and teaching at least 2 core bachelor level courses and one graduate level course.
符合上述资格条件的个人简历word文档,附个人近照,可附相关资质、荣誉证明材料和作品、成果材料。 Personal resume in Word format that meets the aforementioned qualification requirements, along with an attached recent photograph,Relevant certification and achievement materials may be attached.