发布:2023-07-20 07:47:38 关注:11919次
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招聘职务教授 |
招聘级别正高 |
所需专业雕塑 Sculpture |
类型要求暂无 |
学位要求硕士及以上 |
工作地点美术学院 |
本岗位需具备坚实的雕塑基础和相应的教学经验,能主持申请、组织并参与国家重大纵向课题和重要学术活动,承担重要横向课题及创作任务,承担外出专业考察、专业写生实践等相关工作。能够完成岗位聘任所要求的科研和教学任务;能够承担学生实践训练指导、高水平学术竞赛指导、综合论文训练、班主任工作、以及其他岗位考核所需的公共服务工作量,并积极参与并完成院系交与的工作任务。 This position requires strong sculpture basis and corresponding teaching experience, ability to preside over application, organize and participate in national major vertical subjects and important academic activities, and ability to undertake relevant work such as professional field investigation and professional sketching practice, etc. Able to complete the scientific research and teaching tasks required by the position appointment; Able to provide training instructions for student practice, guidance for high-standard academic competition, comprehensive thesis training, work of a class manager, and other appraisal mandated workload in this position for public services, and actively engage in and complete the tasks assigned by the department/school.
1.身心健康、师德师风良好、有良好的职业道德。 2.具备教授或相应职称,在雕塑相关学术领域有10年以上的高校教学经历,具备丰富的教学经验和成果,能够胜任美术学科的课程教学和学生指导,指导本科或研究生获得好评。 3.获得相关学科的硕士及以上学历; 4.具有扎实的雕塑基础和雕塑创作能力。 5.有能力开设和讲授至少2门本科专业核心课程和1门研究生专业课程。 1. Have the professional title of Professor or equivalent title, with more than 10 years of teaching experience in sculpture-related academic fields at higher educational institution, with rich teaching experience, capable of teaching courses and student instruction in art disciplines, and guiding undergraduate or postgraduate students to win excellent reviews; 2. Have sound mental and physical health, excellent professional ethics and manners of teachers, sound professional ethics. 3. Have obtained Master's degree or above in relevant disciplines; 4. Have excellent figurative sculpture basis and competence of sculpture creation. 5. Able to offer and teach at least 2 core courses of the major for undergraduates and 1 course of the major for postgraduates.
1.个人中英文学术简历; 2.教学与科研陈述及未来3-5年教学及科研的工作计划; 3.代表性学术成果,相应资历或荣誉证书等; 4.不少于3封专家推荐信。 1.Academic Resume in English and Chinese; 2.Representation of teaching and research and work plan of teaching and research in the next 3-5 years; 3.Representative academic achievements; 4.Three letters of recommendation from experts.